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Pubmed Publications List


Head of the Clinic of Hepato-Gastroenterology
and manager of Internal Medicine Department
University Hospital Brugmann

(Free University Brussels ULB-VUB).
Place Van Gehuchten 4
B 1020 Brussels



  • (Faculty of Medicine-Free University Brussels)

  • GI clinics for graduates

  • Health Certification, Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology Special License Imagining and Endoscopy INEA (Nursing Institute)

  • Visiting Professor: Washington University GI unit Prof. CE RUBIN 1977.

  • Chairman ENDO 90 XXIVth International Congress of the SMIER. Brussels 1990.

  • Chairman VIth Workshop on Gastroduodenal Pathology and Helicobacter pylori. Brussels 1993.

  • Past president of Belgian society for Digestive Endoscopy

  • Past president and founder of the Belgian H. pylori group.


Fields of Interest:

Pancreatic diseases, Operative Endoscopy, GERD


Publications in H. pylori field

  • Deltenre M, Glupczynski Y, DePrez C, Nyst JF, Burette A, Labbé M, Jonas C, De Koster E. The reliability of urease tests, histology, and culture in the diagnosis of Campylobacter pylori Infection. 1989. Scand J Gastroenterol S 160: 19-24.

  • Deltenre M, Nyst JF, Jonas C, Glupczynski Y, De Prez C, Burette A. Données cliniques, endoscopiques et histologiques chez 1100 patients dont 574 porteurs de Campylobacter pylori. 1989. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 13: 89-95 B.

  • Glupezynski Y, Burette A, De Koster E, Nyst JF, Deltenre M, Cadranel S, Bourdeaux L, DeVos D. 1990 Metronidazole resistance in Helicobacter pylori. Lancet 335/8695:976-977.

  • De Koster E, Baset M, Nyst JF, Deltenre M. Gastric screening prospects. 1993. Eur J Cancer Prev 2:263-268.

  • De Koster E, Buset NI, Femandes E, Deltenre M. Helicobacter pylori: The link with gastric cancer. 1994. Eur J Cancer Prev 3/3:247-257

  • De Koster E, Buset M, Femandes E, Deltenre M. The diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori in gastric pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions. 1994. Eur J Cancer Prev 3/Suppl:61-64.

  • Mignon M, Penston G, Deltenre M, Ruszniewski P, Dobrilla G. The natural history of duodenal ulcer: Are we at a turning point? 1994. Gastroenterology International 7:95-113

  • MacColl KEL, Deltenre M. Helicobacter pylori and gastric physiology. In: The Year in Helicobacter pylori, 1994. Current opinion in Gastroenterol 10: 22-25

  • Deltenre M, Jonas C, Van Gossum M, Buset M, Otero, De Koster E. Omeprazole-based antimicrobial therapies: results in 198 Helicobacter pylori-positive patients. 1995. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 7: 39-44.

  • De Koster E, Buset M, Femandes E, Deltenre M. Helicobacter pylori and cancer prone lesions of the stomach. 1995. Acta Endoscopica 25/l: 5 33-44

  • Deltenre M, Jönsson B. Pharmacoeconomics In: The Year in Helicobacter pylori. 1996. Malfertheiner P, Mégraud F, Michetti P, and Price A (ed). Rapid Science Publishers. Current opinion in gastroenterology 12 (Suppl 1), 45-49.

  • Deltenre M, Jonas C, Otero J, Cozzoli A, Denis P, Burette A, De Koster E. Strategies for Helicobacter pylori eradication in 1995: a review of international and Belgian experience. 1996. J Physiol Pharmacol 47:59-69.

  • Deltenre Michel, Erik De Koster, Bernard Caucheteur, Julio Otero, Claude Jonas. Comment éradiquer Helicobacter pylori en 1995. Revue critique des traitements disponibles. 1996. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 20: S44-S52.

  • Deltenre M.A.L. Economies of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy. 1997. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 9:23-26.

  • Deltenre M, Ilunga KO. Helicobacter pylori eradication in duodenal ulcer disease is cost beneficial: a Belgian model. 1997 J Phys Pharmacol 48: 107-114.



  • Deltenre M, Glupczynski Y, Burette A. Campylobacter pylori the 1987 Belgian Experience. In: SL Kleeman and J. de Wal (ed): Campylobacter pylori and peptic disease. 1987. Delft, p 29-35.

  • Burette A, De Prez C, Glupczynski Y, Nvst JF, Deltenre M. Prevalence of gastric metaplasia and Campylobacter pylori infection in the duodenum and relationship to infection. In: F. Mégaud and H. Lamoulliate (ed): Gastroduodenal pathology and Campylobacter pylori. 1989. Elsevier p 327-331.

  • Burette A, Deprez C, Glupczynski Y, Deltenre M. Healing of active antral gastritis in patients with duodenal or gastric ulcer after colloidal bismuth subcitrate: the role of the clearance of Campylobacter pylori. In: F. Mégraud and H. Lamoulliatte (ed): Gastroduodenal pathology and Campylobacter pylori. 1989. Elsevier p 605-610.

  • Deltenre M, De Koster E, Nyst JF, Glupczynski Y. Why should we treat Helicobacter pylori Infection? In: Malfertheiner P and Ditschuneit H (ed): Helicobacter pylori, gastritis and peptic ulcer. 1989 Springer Berlin p 381-388.

  • De Koster E, Denis P, Goossens H, Nyst JF, Deltenre M. Helicobacter pylori serology: Kit Evaluation and Comparison. In: G. Gasbarrini and S. Pretolani (ed): Basic and Clinical Aspects of Helicobacter pylori infection. 1994. Springer Verlag p 252-257.

  • Deltenre M, De Koster E, Nyst JF. Proton pump inhibitors in the management of Helicobacter pylori related diseases. In: G. Gasbarrini and S. Pretolani (ed): Basic and Clinical Aspects of Helicobacter pylori infection 1994. Springer Verlag p 252-257.

  • Deltenre M. Helicobacter pylori and Gastric Physiology. In: Malfertheiner P, Michetti P, Price A. (ed): Helicobacter pylori: an atlas. 1996. Science Press Ltd London. 51-56.

  • Considérations Pharmacoéconomiques dans le Traitement de l'Infection à Helicobacter pylori. Dellenre M, Ilunga KO. In: F. Mégraud and H. Lamouliatte (ed): Helicobacter pylori. 1997. Elsevier Editions Vol 2 493-502.

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