Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group

Year in Helicobacter
Issue Archive
The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2020
​The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2019
​The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2018
The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2017
The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2016
The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2015
The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2014
The Year in Helicobacter and Abstracts 2013
The Year in Helicobacter pylori 2001
The Year in Helicobacter pylori 2000
The Year in Helicobacter pylori 1999
The Year in Helicobacter pylori 1998
Workshop Summaries and Abstracts
As of 2021, the abstracts of the Workshop are published in the official Journal of the EHMSG
As of 2013 the abstracts of the Workshop
were included in the Year in Helicobacter
Workshop Summaries Wroclaw 2006
Workshop Summaries Copenhagen 2005
Workshop Summaries Vienna 2004