Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group

Ernst Johan KUIPERS
Professor of Medicine
CEO, Erasmus MC
Erasmus MC University Medical Center
The Netherlands
phone +31 10 703 4681
1972-1978: Gymnasium ß, Emmeloord, The Netherlands (1978)
1978-1979: Chemistry, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
1979-1986: Medicine, University of Groningen, MD exam (1986)
Postgraduate Training:
1986-1991: Resident Internal Medicine Deventer Hospital & University Medical Center Groningen
1991-1994: Resident Gastroenterology in Free University Hospital Amsterdam (VUMC)
1991-1995: PhD fellowship, Free University Amsterdam, thesis entitled 'The interrelation between Helicobacter pylori, chronic gastritis and gastric cancer' (cum laude)
Academic Appointments:
1995-1997: Post-doc researcher, Dept of Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, USA
1997-2000: Staff member, Dept of Gastroenterology, VUMC
2000-present: Professor of Medicine, Erasmus MC
2000-2012: Chair, Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Erasmus MC
2006-2010: Chair, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC
2013 – present: CEO and Board Chairman, Erasmus MC
2006 Fellowship American Gastroenterology Assocation
2008 Erasmus MC Annual Promotor award
2013 Dutch Ministry of Health Pearl award
2015 Ismar Boas Medal of the German Society of Gastroenterology and Liver Disease
2016 United European Gastroenterology Research Prize
2017 Innovation Award of the German Felix Burda Society
2017 Clinical Mentorship award by the American Gastroenterology Association
2017 Dutch Hospital Manager of the Year award
Society and Committee membership:
Dutch Society of Gastroenterology
American Gastroenterology Assocation
Research Interest:
H. pylori gastritis, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, population screening, prevention
Books published:
Kuipers EJ. Editor, Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology. Elsevier 2019
Kuipers EJ. Editor, Netherlands Textbook of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tijdstroom Press, 2014.
Sung JJ, Kuipers EJ, Barkun AN, Editors. Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Oxford University Press, 2013.
- N = 824 (Feb 2019)
- H-index 98, citations 49.000 (Feb 2019)
Top Helicobacter publications:
Malfertheiner P, Megraud F, O'Morain CA, Atherton J, Axon AT, Bazzoli F, Gensini GF, Gisbert JP, Graham DY, Rokkas T, El-Omar EM, Kuipers EJ; European Helicobacter Study Group. Management of Helicobacter pylori infection--the Maastricht IV / Florence Consensus Report. Gut 2012;61:646-64
Kusters JG, van Vliet AHM, Kuipers EJ. Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori infection. Clin Microbiol Rev 2006; 19: 449-90.
Kuipers EJ, Lundell L, Klinkenberg-Knol EC, Havu N, Festen HPM, Liedman B, Lamers CBHW, Jansen JBMJ, Dalenbäck J, Snel P, Nelis GF, Meuwissen SGM. Atrophic gastritis and Helicobacter pylori in patients with reflux esophagitis treated with omeprazole or fundoplication. N Engl J Med 1996; 334: 1018-22.
Kuipers EJ, Uyterlinde AM, Peña AS, Roosendaal R, Pals G, Nelis GF, Festen HP, Meuwissen SG. Long-term sequelae of Helicobacter pylori gastritis. Lancet. 1995: 17;1525-8.
Kuipers EJ, Pérez-Pérez GI, Meuwissen SGM, Blaser MJ. Helicobacter pylori and atrophic gastritis; importance of the cagA status. J Natl Cancer Inst 1995; 87: 1777-80.
Kuipers EJ, Thijs JC, Festen HP. The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1995; 2:59-69.
Capelle LG, de Vries AC, Haringsma J, Ter Borg F, de Vries RA, Bruno MJ, van Dekken H, Meijer J, van Grieken NC, Kuipers EJ. The staging of gastritis with the OLGA system by using intestinal metaplasia as an accurate alternative for atrophic gastritis. Gastrointest Endosc 2010;71:1150-8.
De Vries AC, Meijer GA, van Grieken NCT, Looman W, Casparie M, Kuipers EJ. Long-term follow-up of premalignant gastric lesions. Gastroenterology 2008; 134: 945-52.
Dinis-Ribeiro M, Areia M, de Vries AC, Marcos-Pinto R, Monteiro-Soares M, O'Connor A, Pereira C, Pimentel-Nunes P, Correia R, Ensari A, Dumonceau JM, Machado JC, Macedo G, Malfertheiner P, Matysiak-Budnik T, Megraud F, Miki K, O'Morain C, Peek RM, Ponchon T,
European Helicobacter and Microbiota
Study Group (EHMSG)
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Ristimaki A, Rembacken B, Carneiro F, Kuipers EJ; European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; European Helicobacter Study Group; European Society of Pathology; Sociedade Portuguesa de Endoscopia Digestiva.
Management of precancerous conditions and lesions in the stomach (MAPS): guideline from the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE), European Helicobacter Study Group (EHSG), European Society of Pathology (ESP), and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Endoscopia Digestiva (SPED). Endoscopy 2012;44:74-94.
den Hollander WJ, Holster IL, den Hoed CM, Capelle LG, Tang TJ, Anten MP, Prytz-Berset I, Witteman EM, Ter Borg F, Hartog GD, Bruno MJ, Peppelenbosch MP, Lesterhuis W, Doukas M, Kuipers EJ, Spaander MCW. Surveillance of premalignant gastric lesions: a multicentre prospective cohort study from low incidence regions. Gut 2018: Epub ahead of print.
Editorial boards:
Gut (associate editor), Best Practice & Research in Clinical Gastroenterology (editor)