Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group

Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Trinity College
Department of Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin,
Suite 18, Beacon Consultants Clinic, Sandyford, Dublin 18.
Dublin, IRELAND.
Office phone +35312920582
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Beacon Hospital,
National Clinic Lead in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
1971 University College Dublin M.B, BCh , BAO 1972
Post Graduate Training:
1973 – 1975 & 1977- 1978 Registrar in General Medicine and Gastroenterology Mater Hospital Dublin
1975 – 1977 Attache Etranger, Nice University Hospital
1978 – 1982 Senior Registrar in General Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Northwick Park Hospital, London
1982 – 1984 Fogarty Fellow in Gastroenterology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
1984 - 1998 Consultant in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine Adelaide Meath Hospital, Dublin
1998 – 2012 Consultant in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine, Tallaght University Hospital
2004 Fellow Cancer Prevention Programme N.I.H
2012 – Consultant Gastroenterologist, Beacon Hospital, Dublin
1985 – 1990 Clinical Lecturer Trinity College Dublin
1989 - 1992 Director of Undergraduate Studies, Trinity College Dublin
1990 – 1997 Senior Lecturer Trinity College Dublin
1997 – 2003 Clinical Professor of Medicine
2004 2012 Foundation Professor of Medicine, Tallaght University Hospital
2007 – 2012 Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences, Trinity College Dublin
2019 – National Clinical Lead in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Eaton Research Fellowship 1978 – 19
Medical Research Council Research Fellowship, UK – 1980 – 1982
Fogarty International Fellowship, USA – 1982
Honorary Member of Soiete Royal de Gastroenterologie – Belgium
Honorary Member of Hungarian Society of Gastroenterology DSc University of Athens for service to Gastroenterology - 2011
DSc University of London for publications - 2005
Felix Burda Awards for colo-rectal cancer prevention - 2010
Orator for the Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology - 2011
The Max Siurala Prize for Gastroenterology from the Finnish Society of Gastroenterology - 1990
Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland - 1987
Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians in London - 2002
Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology - 2004
Fellow of the American Gastroenterology Association - 2006
Member of the Royal Irish Academy - 2012
Life-Time Achievement Award from the Irish Society of Gastroenterology 2011
Life -Time Achievement Award from the United European Gastroenterology 2018
Treasurer, Secretary and President of the Irish Society of Gastroenterology 1995 - 2003
Acting Chairman of Life Sciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy 2012 - 2014
Member of Council of the British Society of Gastroenterology – 1990 - 1992
Founder Member of European Board of Gastroenterology - 1994
Council Member of Royal College of Physicians in Ireland – 1990- 1993
Member of Irish Affairs Committee of the Medical Defence Union – 1887 –
President of National Society of Gastroenterology _ 1998 – 2000
Member of Council of the United European Gastroenterology – 2002 - 2004
Chairman of Public Affairs Committee
President of United European Gastroenterology 2012 - 2014
Board Member of BioMedical Alliance for Research In Europe – 2014 to present
President of BioMedical Alliance for Research In Europe
President of the Bockus Society of Gastroenterology - 2016 - 2019
Member of European Helicobacter Microbiote Study Group – 1998 to present
President of the European Helicobacter Pylori Microbiote Study Group - 2012
Irish Representative of the Union of European Specialists in Gastroenterology – 1992 - 1998
Irish Representative of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation – 2014 - 2016
Member of International Organisation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Board Member of Tallaght University Hospital – 1998 - 2010
Chairman of Medical Advisory Committee - 1998 - 2002
Chairman of the Ethics Committee of St James’s and Tallaght University Hospital’s – 2004 - 2009
Member of the European Cancer Prevention Scientific Group – 1994 – to present
Member of the World Endoscopy Organisation for colorectal screening
Member of Advisory Board for colorectal cancer screening in Ireland 2008 - 2011
Helicobacter - 2010 to present
Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics – 2000 – 2002
Journal of American College of Gastroenterology - 2001 -
European Cancer Prevention Journal - 1994 to present
European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology – 2000 to present
Central European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
GUT Pathogens Editorial Board
Professor Colm Ó Moráin: Top 10 Publications on Helicobacter pylori
Malfertheiner, P; Megraud, F; O'Morain, C; Bazzoli, F; El-Omar, E; Graham, D; Hunt, R; Rokkas, T; Vakil, N; Kuipers, EJ, , Gut (2007), 56, 6, pp772-781, (DOI: 10.1136/gut.2006.101634), PMID: 17170018,
Malfertheiner, P; Megraud, F; OMorain, C; Bell, D; Bianchi, PG; Deltenre, M; Forman, D; Gasbarrini, G; Jaup, B; Misiewicz, G; Pajares, J; Quina, M; Rauws, E; Andersen, L; Arenas, MI; Bazzoli, F; Berstad, A; Bianchi, P; Birkner, B; Brun, J; Buckley, M; Bures, J; Butruk, E; Cadranel, S; Casas, RJ; Caspary, F; Cottrill, M; Culhane, A; DeKoster, E; Dite, P; Farkkila, M; Fujioka, T; Fukuda, T; Glupczynski, Y; Hirschl, A; Hunt, R; Johannessen, T; Krejs, G; Labenz, J; Lamers, C; Lind, T; McColl, K; Nuesch, H; ODonoghue, D; Offer, G; Peura, D; Pombal, R; Pounder, R; Pretolani, P; Rokkas, T; Romaozinho, J; Rune, S; Sandelowsky, H; Seifert, B; Shimoyama, T; Sjolund, K; Stockbrugger, R; Thomson, A; Ubaldi, E; Unge, P; VanCutsem, E; Wadstrom, T; Weber, J; Sipponen, P; Price, A, , Gut (1997), 41, 1, pp8-13, , PMID: 9274464,
Lind, T; Megraud, F; Unge, P; Bayerdorffer, E; O'Morain, C; Spiller, R; van Zanten, SV; Bardhan, KD; Hellblom, M; Wrangstadh, M; Zeijlon, L; Cederberg, C, , Gastroenterology (1999), 116, 2, pp248-253, (DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(99)70119-8), PMID: 9922303,
Malfertheiner, P; Megraud, F; O'Morain, CA; Gisbert, JP; Kuipers, EJ; Axon, AT; Bazzoli, F; Gasbarrini, A; Atherton, J; Graham, DY; Hunt, R; Moayyedi, P; Rokkas, T; Rugge, M; Selgrad, M; Suerbaum, S; Sugano, K; El-Omar, EM, , Gut, (2017), 66, 1, 6-30, (DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2016-312288), PMID: 27707777,
Malfertheiner, P; Megraud, F; O'Morain, CA; Atherton, J; Axon, ATR; Bazzoli, F; Gensini, GF; Gisbert, JP; Graham, DY; Rokkas, T; El-Omar, EM; Kuipers, EJ, Gut (2012) 61, 5, pp646-664, (DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2012-302084), PMID: 22491499,
Coghlan, JG; Humphries, H; Dooley, C; Keane, C; Gilligan, D; McKenna, D; Sweeney, E; O Morain, C, , Lancet (1987) 2, 8568, pp1109-1111, , PMID: 2890019,
Blum, AL; Talley, NJ; O'Morain, C; van Zanten, SV; Labenz, J; Stolte, M; Louw, JA; Stubberod, A; Theodors, A; Sundin, M; Bolling-Sternevald, E; Junghard, O, , New England Journal Of Medicine (1998) 339, 26, pp1875-1881, (DOI: 10.1056/NEJM199812243392602), PMID: 9862942,
Malfertheiner, P; Megraud, F; O'Morain, C; Hungin, APS; Jones, R; Axon, A; Graham, DY; Tytgat, G; Asaka, M; Bazzoli, F; Birkner, B; Bures, J; Burette, A; Bytzer, P; Castro, L; Culhane, A; de Boer, W; De Korwin, J; De Koster, E; de Wit, N; Deltenre, M; Dent, J; Di Mario, F; Dragosics, B; Farkkila, M; Forman, D; Freston, J; Gasbarrini, G; Goh, K; Graham, D; Hameeteman, W; Hawkey, C; Hirschl, A; Hungin, P; Hunt, R; Jaup, B; Kimura, K; Kist, M; Klotz, P; Koletzko, S; Kuipers, E; Labenz, J; Ladas, S; Lam, SK; Lauritsen, K; Lerang, F; Lionis, C; Loft, D; Louw, J; McColl, K; Mendonca-Santos, J; Michetti, P; Misiewicz, J; Mossner, J; Niv, Y; Nowak, A; Parajes-Garcia, J; Pilotto, A; Pounder, R; Quina, M; Racz, I; Rauws, E; Saez, LR; Rokkas, T; Segal, I; Seifert, B; Sipponen, P; Sjolundh, C; Solcia, E; Stockbrugger, R; Sung, J; Surrenti, C; Tulassay, Z; Unge, P; Vaira, D; Vakil, N; van Zanten, SV; Wadstrom, T, , (2002) 16, 2, pp167-180, (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2036.2002.01169.x), PMID: 11860399,
Hunt, KA; Zhernakova, A; Turner, G; Heap, GAR; Franke, L; Bruinenberg, M; Romanos, J; Dinesen, LC; Ryan, AW; Panesar, D; Gwilliam, R; Takeuchi, F; McLaren, WM; Holmes, GKT; Howdle, PD; Walters, JRF; Sanders, DS; Playford, RJ; Trynka, G; Mulder, CJJ; Mearin, ML; Verbeek, WHM; Trimble, V; Stevens, FM; O'Morain, C; Kennedy, NP; Kelleher, D; Pennington, DJ; Strachan, DP; McArdle, WL; Mein, CA; Wapenaar, MC; Deloukas, P; McGinnis, R; McManus, R; Wijmenga, C; van Heel, DA, , Nature Genetics (2008) 40, 4, pp395-402, (DOI: 10.1038/ng.102), PMID: 18311140,
Megraud, F; Coenen, S; Versporten, A; Kist, M; Lopez-Brea, M; Hirschl, AM; Andersen, LP; Goossens, H; Glupczynski, Y; Alarcon, T; Albrecht, P; Barna, Z; Burucoa, C; Calvet, X; Cambau, E; Cellini, L; Conroy, MC; Deforges, L; Dzierzanowska-Fangrat, K; Franzin, L; Gisbert, J; Gosciniak, G; Huang, TD; Jeverica, S; Kuipers, E; Kupcinskas, L; Lario, S; Lawson, A; Marzio, L; McNulty, C; Melby, K; Mentis, A; Monno, R; Montes, M; Oleastro, M; O'Morain, C; Pellicano, R; Perez-Trallero, E; Pieramico, O; Rasmussen, L; Raymond, J; Royo, G; Stoof, J; Szkaradkiewicz, A; Taneike, I; Tonkic, M; Villar, PH; Wuppenhorst, N; Zanetti, M, , Gut (2013) 62, 1, pp34-42, (DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2012-302254), PMID: 22580412,