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European Registry on the management of H. pylori infection

Scientific Committee: Javier P. Gisbert, Francis Mégraud, Colm O'Morain and Olga Perez Nyssen.




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The great diversity of regimens and treatment lines and the different efficacy of these, requires a continuous critical analysis of clinical practice, evaluating systematically the efficacy and safety of the different regimens and diagnostic-therapeutic strategies.
The evaluation of real clinical practice using non-interventionist registries will help to improve the design and organization of European Consensus on the management of H. pylori infection, which is the best way to establish healthcare efficiency.


Primary aim

To obtain a database registering systematically a large and representative sample of routine clinical practice of European gastroenterologists in order to produce descriptive studies of the management of H. pylori infection.


Secondary aims

  • To evaluate H. pylori infection consensus and clinical guidelines implementation in different countries.

  • To perform studies focused on epidemiology, efficacy and safety of the commonly used treatments to eradicate H. pylori.

  • To evaluate accessibility to healthcare technologies and drugs used in the management of H. pylori infection.

  • To allow the development of partial and specific analysis by the participating researchers.

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