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Mirjana Rajilić-Stojanović

Assistant Professor

Department for Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology,

Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade

Karnegijeva 4,

11000 Belgrade, SERBIA

Date of birth: 9th February 1978

T: + 381 11 3173370, +381 11 3370788

F: +381 11 3370387




Transdisciplinary researcher and teacher; adaptable, systematic and motivated. Invited speaker on over 20 international scientific conferences with entrepreneur experience. Research interest includes development and application of high throughput molecular methods for studying gut microbiota; identification of associations between microbiota diversity and (intestinal) diseases; microbial taxonomy and systematics; development of functional foods (probiotics, prebiotics and natural antioxidants) and assessing their interaction with microbiota and health. Mother of four kids.


  • April 2002 – June 2007: PhD in Biotechnology and Nutrition, at Laboratory of Microbiology, Wageningen University, NL
    (the only female cum laude in 100 years department history, supervisor WM de Vos)

  • October 1996 – September 2001: MSc at Dpt. for Biochemical Eng. & Biotechnology, University of Belgrade
     (the best student in the class, GDP 9,76)

  • October 2013: Risk Analysis in Health and Food Safety

  • October 2014: Assessment of IBS in clinical practice & research

  • March 2015: Biometric Aspects of Genomic Analyses

  • March 2016: Molecular Methods in IBS Research: (epi)genetics and microbiota research


Employment positions

  • May 2016 – now: Assistant Professor, Department for Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade

  • April 2016 – now: CEO of HITTest DOO – biotech start-up company for microbiota analyses

  • February 2011 – May 2016: Dpt. for Biochemical Eng. and Biotechnology – (Senior) Research Associate

  • August 2009 – now: Freelance – performing service of microbiota data analyses

  • May 2008 – August 2009: GI-Health B.V., NL - Chief research scientist

  • January 2007 – January 2009: Laboratory of Microbiology, Wageningen University, NL - PostDoc Researcher

  • October 2006 – January 2007: Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences (WCFS), NL – PostDoc Researcher

  • April 2002 – October 2006: Laboratory of Microbiology, Wageningen University, NL – Promovendus

Editorial Board Memberships

  • November 2016 – now: Digestive Diseases

  • January 2016 – now: Neurogastroenterology and Motility



  • June 2017 – now: ILSI Europe, Functional Foods Task Force, Microbiome Study Guidance Expert Group

  • May 2016 – August 2018: The Rome Foundation Working Team on Post-Infectious IBS

  • October 2013 – now: Serbian Society for Microbiology

  • October 2001- now: Serbian Chemical Society



  1. Barbara G, Grover M, Bercik P, Corsetti M, Ghoshal UC, Ohman L, Rajilić-Stojanović M (2019) Rome Foundation Working Team Report on Post-Infection Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gastroenterology 156(1):46-58

  2. (2) Rajilic-Stojanovic M., Jonkers DM, Salonen A, Hanevik K, Raes J, Jalanka J, de Vos WM, Manichanh C , Golic N, Enck P, Philippou E, Iraqi FA, Clarke G, Spiller RC, Penders J (2015) Intestinal microbiota and diet in IBS: causes, consequences, or epiphenomena? Am. J. Gastroenterol. 110(2):278-87

  3. (3) Rajilić-Stojanović M & de Vos WM (2014) The First 1,000 Cultured Species of the Human Gastrointestinal Microbiota. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 38(5):996-1047

  4. (4) Rajilić-Stojanović M, Shanahan F, Guarner F & de Vos WM (2013) Phylogenetic analysis of dysbiosis in ulcerative colitis during remission. Inflamm Bowel Dis 19:481–488

  5. (5) Rajilić-Stojanović M, Biagi E, Heilig HGHJ, Kajander K, Kekkonen RA, Tims S & de Vos WM (2011) Global and deep analysis defines fecal microbiota signatures in irritable bowel syndrome: Gastroeneterology 141:1792–1801

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