Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group

PhD, docent
University of Gothenburg
Dept. of Chemistry and Molecular Biology
Box 462
405 30 Gothenburg
office phone +46 703 212946
Current position
Assistant Professor, DDLS Fellow
Academic Achievements
Docent in Medical Microbiology, University of Gothenburg (UGot) -
2010 – 2014
PhD in Medical Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Thesis title: “Multi-level characterization of host-pathogen interaction in Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric carcinogenesis” -
Master’s in Biomedical Sciences, Lund University, Master’s Thesis: “Verification and investigation of genes differentially expressed in Neuroblastoma”
Academic Career, post PhD
Associate Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor and Data Driven Life Science fellow, Dept. of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, UGot -
2022 –2024
Researcher, 50%, Dept. of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, UGot -
Science Teacher, 50%, Secondary School (7-9), Lilla Edets kommun -
2021 –2022
Microbiologist, Clinical Microbiology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg -
2018 – 2020
SSMF-funded postdoc, Karolinska Institutet/Dept. of Infectious Diseases, UGot -
Visiting researcher, National Institute of Health, Washington D.C. -
2016 - 2018
Postdoctoral researcher, Center for Translational Microbiome Research, Dept. of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm -
2015 – 2016
Postdoctoral researcher, Science for Life Laboratory/Clinical Genomics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
Teaching Activities
Course leader in Bioinformatics in Genomics, BIO511, UGot
Teaching in Microbiology and Immunology, UGot and Karolinska Institutet.
Scientific Activities, Memberships in Societies, Member of Executive Committees
2019 -
Member of the GOTBIN (Gothenburg Bioinformatics Network) Working group -
2018 -
Member of the H. pylori Genome Project Bioinformatics team, NIH, US. -
Member of the Management group, Center for Translational Microbiome Research, Karolinska Institutet -
2015 - 2019
Member of steering committee in BioIBD, A multi-modal national study to identify biomarkers for diagnosis, therapy response and disease progression in IBD. -
Member of the organization committee of BioCare Research School, Lund University/Univ. of Gothenburg. -
Organizer of Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop, Gothenburg
Clinical and Scientific Research lnterest
My group brings together expertise in experimental microbiology, bacterial comparative genomics, and bioinformatics. We also leverage on large national and international collaborations, as well as access to unique genome datasets, bacterial isolates, and gastrointestinal biopsy material. Our research aims to increase the understanding of factors affecting bacterial transmission, persistence, and virulence, knowledge that can be used for identifying individuals at high risk for severe disease outcomes.
Main publications:
Tourrette E, Torres RC, Svensson SL, Matsumoto T, Miftahussurur M, Fauzia KA, Alfaray RI, Vilaichone R, Phuoc Tuan V, Helicobacter Genomics Consortium, Wang D, Yadegar A, Olsson LM, Zhou Z, Yamaoka Y, Thorell K*, Falush D. An ancient ecospecies of Helicobacter pylori, Nature 2024. *Shared senior and corresponding author.
Garrison E, Guarracino A, Heumos S, Villani F, Bao Z, Tattini L, Hagmann J, Vorbrugg S, Marco-Sola S, Kubica C, Ashbrook DG, Thorell K, Rusholme-Pilcher RL, Liti G, Rudbeck E, Golicz AA, Nahnsen S, Yang Z, Njagi Mwaniki M, Nobrega FL, Wu Y, Chen H, de Ligt J, Sudmant PH, Huang S, Weigel D, Soranzo S, Colonna V, Williams RW, Prins P, Building Pangenome Graphs, Nature Methods 2024.
Thorell K*, Muñoz-Ramirez ZY, Wang D, Sandoval-Motta S, Boscolo Agostini R, Ghirotto S, Torres RC, HpGP Research Network, Falush D, Camargo MC, Rabkin CS. The Helicobacter pylori Genome Project: insights into H. pylori population structure from analysis of a worldwide collection of complete genomes. Nat. Communications, 2023. *Corresponding author.
Alfaray RI, Saruuljavkhlan B, Fauzia KA, Torres RC, Thorell K, Dewi SR, Kryukov KA, Matsumoto T, Akada J, Vilaichone R-K, Miftahussurur M, Yamaoka Y. Global Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Study of Helicobacter pylori: Comparison of Detection Tools, ARG and Efflux Pump Gene Analysis, Worldwide Epidemiological Distribution, and Information Related to the Antimicrobial-Resistant Phenotype. Antibiotics 2023.
You Y, Thorell K*, He L, Yahara K, Yamaoka Y, Cha JH, Murakami K, Katsura Y, Kobayashi I, Falush D, Zhang J. Genomic differentiation within East Asian Helicobacter pylori. Microbial Genomics, 2022. *Shared first author
Zeng HL, Dichio V, Horta ER, Thorell K, Aurell E, Global analysis of more than 50,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes reveals epistasis between eight viral genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2020.
Muñoz-Ramirez ZY, Pascoe B, Mendez-Tenorio A, Mourkas W, Sandoval-Motta S, Perez-Perez G, Morgan DR, Dominguez RL, Ortiz-Princz D, Cavazza ME, Rocha G, Queiroz DMM, Catalano M, De La Palma GZ, Goldman CG, Venegas A, Alarcon T, Oleastro M, Vale FF, Goodman KJ, Torres RJ, Berthenet E, Hitchings MD, Blaser MJ, Sheppard SK, Thorell K*, Torres J, A 500-year tale of co-evolution, adaptation, and virulence: Helicobacter pylori in the Americas. ISMEJ 2020. *Shared senior author.
Thorell K, Inganäs L, Backhans A, Agréus L, Öst Å, Walker MM, Talley NJ, Kjellström L, Andreasson A, Engstrand L. Isolates from colonic spirochaetosis in humans show high genomic divergence and potential pathogenic features but are not detected using standard primers for the human microbiota. J Bacteriol. 2019.
Berthenet E, Yahara K, Thorell K, Pascoe B, Meric G, Mikhail JM, Engstrand L, Enroth H, Burette A, Megraud F, Varon C, Atherton JC, Smith S, Wilkinson TS, Hitchings MD, Falush D, Sheppard SK. A GWAS on Helicobacter pylori strains points to genetic variants associated with gastric cancer risk. BMC Biol. 2018.
Thorell K, Bengtsson-Palme J, Liu Hsin-Fu O, Palacios Gonzáles RV, Nookaew I, Paszat L, Rabeneck L, Graham DY, Nielsen JN, Lundin SB, Sjöling Å. In vivo analysis of the viable microbiota and Helicobacter pylori transcriptome in gastric infection and early stages of carcinogenesis. Infect Immun. 2017.
Thorell K, Yahara K, Berthenet E, Lawson DJ, Kato I, Mendez A, Canzian F, Bravo MM, Suzuki R, Yamaoka Y, Torres J, Sheppard SK, Falush D. Rapid evolution of distinct Helicobacter pylori subpopulations in the Americas. PLoS Genet. 2017.​